Congratulations, as a parent you have made the very wise decision to get your kids a trampoline, which is going to make them a lot more active and it gets them away from their devices that they are constantly on, every free moment that they have. This is the first step to better health, both physically and mentally and as a parent you would be remiss in your responsibilities if you didn’t also provide them with some kind of safety enclosure when they are bouncing up and down. It is so easy for them to lose their balance, and shoot off to the left and right and while your back garden may be soft, it might not stop them experiencing a very real injury.
Kids generally don’t have any fear and they don’t think about it when they are having fun. They are not as careful as adults and they don’t really realise the risks involved in jumping up and down and having a lot of fun. However, kids can get to quite a height on a trampoline and if they were to fall off and land wrong, it could result in broken limbs, like arms and legs. Thankfully, when you do decide to buy your trampoline from Web and Warehouse, it should come with its own safety enclosure, so that can give you some peace of mind. In order to make sure that your enclosure is up to the task, you should be looking out for the following things.
- Quality mesh – The quality of the mesh is very important because it is the thing that provides the cushion, and it stops your child from falling off the trampoline, and breaking an arm or leg. You clearly don’t want to have any lawn care challenges, and keeping the kids off it is a logical first step. Obviously, the trampoline has a frame and the mesh will help keep the children away from this as well. It’s important to remember that not all mesh enclosures are the same and they vary in quality. Make sure that you check out the mesh before you decide on your final purchase.
- Enclosure poles – Always take the time to look at the poles that come with the enclosure. The poles themselves should be gently curved and not curve in such a way that they can cause more harm than good. Make sure that the poles can stand up to the elements outside, especially the rain, and the sun. You don’t want to be spending a lot of money only to find out the enclosure is falling apart after only one season.
- Additional safety – Kids are notorious for getting up to things that they shouldn’t and one of those is trying to open the mesh while they are playing. As a parent it is your job to make sure that the mesh doesn’t open easily and so make sure that yours has a zipper, Velcro strips or snap buckles to keep the kids safely inside until it’s time to let them out. For additional trampoline safety tips, have a look here.
Trampolines are an incredible amount of fun and just because you’re trying to keep your kids safe, it won’t diminish this. Your kids understand that you’re doing it for their own safety and also for your own peace of mind.
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