American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is a fine educational organization and it is where I have spent the last year of my life studying a Masters course in Integrative and Healthcare Leadership. I have always had an interest in oriental medicine and acupuncture and given that this is the best college to study that in the US, I chose the Houston campus to complete my course. The college offers a wide range of courses from Masters, Doctorates and short courses and I have met some incredible people during my time there. If you have an interest in studying either oriental medicine or acupuncture then here are the benefit which you can count on when you do.
Great For Your Health
Regardless of whether you are looking to study this for a career or to open up your own clinic, the fact of the matter is that your own health will improve when you study this subject. As you learn the fascinating principles and theories around how this form of medicine takes its approach to the body and medical complaints, you will start to look at yourself more in the mirror and realize where you can improve your own health.
Hands On
When you are working with patients for acupuncture it is real hands on work and there won’t be much time sitting behind a desk or in front of a computer screen. Many acupuncturists who I have met said that their favorite part of the job was that they are quite literally making a difference with their own hands, something which not many jobs can offer.
Lifelong Learning
Whist you can take short courses in either oriental medicine and acupuncture, they are designed to be taster courses which inspire you to start the life long discovery of these ancient traditions. There is just so much to digest when you begin to learn about this and there are oceans of volumes of ancient texts which chart the history and the theories of this medicinal approach. You have to remember that these traditional techniques and principles have been around for thousands of years, and once you start learning it really never stops.
Growing Opportunities
For many years it looked as though modern medicine would take over completely from traditional techniques and that the likes of oriental medicine would be cast aside. In recent years however there is a growing demand from patients who have rediscovered what traditional medicine is all about and would prefer to be treated in that way rather than through the techniques of modern medicine. This in turn has presented a great number of opportunities to those who have the knowledge and the skill to practice traditional medicine, which means that this learning is not a hobby but a very real career opportunity.
If you are curious then I would say to take short taster course and see how you feel about things afterwards.
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