Our eyes do so much for us without us even thinking about it. And yet, our lives would be so different without them. We should be interested in caring for our eyes at any age. But for many, it is as we grow older that eye problems become more likely. The older we are, the more likely that our vision will start to diminish, and we will become more prone to eye diseases and certain eye conditions. But we shouldn’t wait for these problems to start occurring before we start paying attention to our eyes. The most important things we can do to start caring for our eyes now is to maintain a good and balanced diet and to keep up with routine eye exams. Let’s take these one at a time.
Maintaining a balanced diet
This may seem strange, but our diet can have quite the impact on our eyes. Just like the rest of our bodies, our eyes benefit from good nutrition that comes from the right kinds of foods. Good food for the eyes includes lots of vegetables, especially the green and leafy types. Our diet should also include at least two portions of oily fish each week. This would include fish such as tuna or salmon, my two personal favourites. Protein is important for the eyes, so things like eggs, certain beans and the right amount of nuts can all be good for your eyes. Vitamin C is also good for the eyes so be sure to include some citrus fruits in your diet too.
Keeping up with routine eye exams
Another essential thing for maintaining our eye health is to have a qualified eye doctor regularly check on them and monitor their condition. This way, any potential issues will be detected early on, and steps can be taken to correct, treat, or limit, the severity of the problem. All of us, no matter our age, should be receiving regular eye check-ups, but it is especially important the older we get. This being said, some conditions do develop in childhood so as I say, all of us should be keeping up with regular eye examinations. And if our eye doctor gives us advice on things to try or things to do for the health of our eyes, make sure to follow through on their instructions to give you eyes the protection and care that they need and deserve.
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